How to Make Fedora Look Like Ubuntu

Ubuntu is known for its theming and Unity-esque appearance. To make Fedora look like Ubuntu, you can follow these steps: Open a terminal and run:sudo dnf install gnome-shell-yaru Enable the Yaru theme in GnomeTweaks. Install Tweaks first if needed.sudo dnf install gnome-tweaks Go to the “Appearance” tab and select the Yaru theme for the Shell, … Read more

Splitting Kindling

Its fun revving up the saw and felling a tree.  Its relaxing to rhythmically swing a maul.  Its delightful to hear the wood crack and pop as it splits.  The neatly stacked rows of seasoning wood are a proud accomplishment. Kindling is the one wood heat chore no one seems to like.  Its time consuming. … Read more

Linux Uptime

Linux rarely needs a reboot.  With more recent kernels, it doesn’t really need to reboot at all.  Since I’ve been studying for my CompTIA A+ exam, I’ve left a lot of material open and handy.  I lost track of how long my desktop had been running so I ran a simple terminal command “uptime” to … Read more

Drolet HT-2000 Update

 Since I’ve used this stove a few times, I just wanted to show how you could load the wood in a North-South orientation.  This wasn’t even full but it still burned all night and kept the house warm. Lighting the stove has been very easy with a little kindling on top of the wood.  It … Read more