Why Fedora?

I have distrohopped for a long time. Its likely the basic state of most Linux users. We’re all chasing that perfect distro. That distro that runs just a little smoother, that has a prettier command line, better effects, that’s freer than free, and so on.

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Best of Linux Note Taking

I’ve been a big fan of Google Keep ever since it came out.  It easily syncs notes across my devices and its free.  But there’s no native Linux client nor is it open source.  The apps I’m listing meet my basic criteria: Linux compatible, syncs to Android, free (at least for the basic version), and ideally open source

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Castillo San Felipe del Morro, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Castillo San Felipe del Morro (also known as El Morro) is a citadel located in San Juan in north western Puerto Rico.  King Charles V of Spain ordered construction of the citadel in 1539.  It remained under Spanish control until 1898 when Spain ceded control of Puerto Rico to the United States under the Treaty of Paris.  The US military controlled El Morro until 1961.

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Fort Macon, Carteret County, North Carolina

Construction on Fort Macon began in 1826 in response to the War of 1812 and other European conflicts.  It was built as part of the Second System of US Fortifications.  The Fort’s main claim to fame was the Civil War battle fought on April 25, 1862.  Union forces commanded Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside had been working through eastern North Carolina.  Brig. Gen. John G. Park, under Burnside’s command, was ordered to capture the Fort from the Confederacy.  Union forces laid siege to the fort using four gun boats, floating batteries, and new rifled cannons.  The fort took 560 hits.  Confederate Col. White surrendered the fort the next morning.  The fort remained under Union control for the rest of the war.

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