Favorite Android Launcher

Part of buying an Android smartphone is, at least partially, accepting whatever modifications the manufacturer has made to the Android operating system.  However, if you don’t care for their modified version, you can change a lot of the appearance through different launchers.  A launcher on Android is the homescreen(s) and app drawer as well as … Read more

Quote of the Week

Go live your life folks.  Get off the computer and embrace the world. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover  … Read more

Quote of the Week

This week my quote is much more than a quote, its a decent excerpt from Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler.  I find it especially relevant with all the lies we hear during election season. The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, because the vast masses of a … Read more

Chickens Are In The Coop

Checking out the perches. We finally moved the chickens from their indoor abode to their comfortable new setting outside.  I had a couple final touches to do on Saturday but they’re moved for now.  Unfortunately…  We have some reconstruction to do on it.  We’re actually going to make it taller.  So in the mean time, … Read more

What to Feed the Chickens

Since taking on a flock of chickens, I’ve been pretty curious just what I can feed my birds.  Sure, there’s store bought feed but I want the strong healthy yolks and solid whites of a farm yard chicken egg.  While I intend on letting my chickens free range under my supervision, I have still been … Read more

Torrent Protection

*UPDATE* This has become, by far, the most popular post on my site.  Thank you for all of the interest.  In the time since I originally wrote this in 2007, the BitTorrent and Peer to Peer landscape has changed substantially.  PeerGuardian is no longer considered safe.  MoBlock does not work either.  For your own personal … Read more

Hello openSUSE

Or should I say “Goodbye Ubuntu?”  I have been using Ubuntu steadily since 4.10 Warty Warthog.  Ubuntu installed easily and I even got my laptop wireless card to work at a time when it required crazy configuration and extracting Windows drivers.  I still tried other distros during that time even running some for a good … Read more

Homemade Laundry Soap

I’ve taken a keen interest in homemade cleaners and especially laundry detergents or soaps.  Everyone seems to have an idea about how it should be made and how diluted it should be.  I’ve found powdered recipes and liquid recipes.  I’ve found recipes that take three ingredients or as many as seven.  Until I have a … Read more


My wife and I have been throwing around the idea of chickens for a long time.  Its something we thought we would enjoy having and taking care of as well as collecting those wonderful eggs.  One Saturday, we researched the whole deal.  We bought books and a magazine, discussed our future chicken coop, and decided … Read more

I Am Now An Android

Or should I say a Droid?  My Palm Pre took a final nasty dive last month.  While I did have an upgrade coming to me, my wife really wanted an iPhone.  Being the good husband that I am, she got  a shiny new white iPhone 4 whilst I received a slightly used refurbished white Droid 2 Global. … Read more